Sunday, July 19, 2009

Today Was a Waste of a Beautiful Day, But I Did Catch Up On Sleep

lesson 42: A college town is a college town. It can easily be recognized by the following: Natty-light and Keystone cans lining the porch, a grill in the back, and an upholstered couch on the front lawn.

lesson 43: Transportation is a booming business in Philly. It costs $6 to take the train into Center City, $2 for the subway once you're there, $12 for a cab ride back to the train, or $23 for an all day parking spot. The way to get around this is to drive into the city, park 20-30 blocks from where you want to go and either walk, pay the $2 for the subway, or split a cab with three other people.

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