Monday, July 13, 2009

I Always Thought I Would Learn Patience, Not Lose It.

Today was amazing except for the few parts that weren't. I'll start with the good:

Today, I hit a pinnacle in my intern experience. I was given a Mac AND a design project! I'm pretty sure they made up the project so I would have something to put in my portfolio, but I am amazingly grateful regardless. I spent the whole morning sifting through the sample closet and going through the shelves and shelves of paper samples looking for textures. It was a graphic designer's dream! That definitely made my day a thumbs-up, but the other stuff is also worth mentioning. 

lesson 38: Trying times often lead to learning experiences. Case in point:

lesson 39:
 When you go out of town, be sure to throw the milk out before you leave. Otherwise, pressure builds up and will literally "blow the top off." Then there is the matter of dumping out the clods and slime. In Mississippi, I would have thrown the whole thing away. Apparently, that is frowned upon; but knowing that it is taboo to throw away #1 and #2 plastic doesn't mean I wouldn't do it if no one was watching.

lesson 40: I've never been so grateful to have not joined a sorority. I'd imagine that working on the intern car wash is as close as I'll ever get, and that's plenty close for me.

I don't like to start or end on a bad note, so I'll add that I am looking forward to this week. We have a lot planned, and it should be fun and educational! We have a book club meeting Wednesday. I read half of the book on the train this weekend, and I hope I can finish up in time. I would love to post some of the more interesting points that are made, but that will have to wait for another day!

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